lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Hi! Everyone, I`ll talk about a video, were Sir Ken Robinson explain the necessity of create a system that gives importance at the creativity in the schools. 

Personally, I think his words are very assertive. In our system, the schools, specifically the private institutions don’t stimulate the creativity of the children. This happens because our form to educate at the boys, responds at a competitive and a utilitarian logic. The children are just empty recipients, like a glass without content. Paulo Freire was an intellectual who talked about this, about the banking education. From this logic, the students don`t know anything about anything, and the teachers have all knowledge.
Other important thing is the training of teachers in the university. They don`t get the tools to change this situation. Also, when they graduate, the possibilities to find job are very difficult. The pay is very low and the academic liberty is very limited. We need a country project for change this situation and think together in our necessities like humans.  

We need to understand the importance of  creativity, and stimulate it for create a new society with best persons. 

See you!

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