Hello, today I’m going
to talk about one of the reasons why we are in strike. Since a few years ago,
the student movement has begun to question public policies about education,
implemented by the government of the Concertación, the left-wing coalition.
Today, with a right-wing president these policies have intensified. Today there
are more private universities, less resources for municipal schools, increasing
differences between students educated in the private and public school system.
These policies refer to a commercial education. Because of that, we go out
to the streets to protest for basic universal rights. One of them, is free
education. These past weeks, we have put emphasis in the urgent need of a
new educational system, and a new national educational project. For example,
many of the candidates’ political programs, consider changing or reforming the
constitution, which has been something the people have demanded.
This situation has made
me lower my performance, above all in english class. Well, I dont pretend to
invalidate the strike, because we have made advances in the discussion in the
general assemblies, but we need to reconsider the time we have left to finish
the semester, when we return to class.
Good Bye, see you!